Our History
Mount Zion Baptist Church
Mt. Zion Baptist Church began in the summer of 1958 as a Bible study group under the leadership of Chet Joines and Blaine Vannoy. They rented a vacant schoolhouse (on Muddy Creek Forks Rd) from Paul Hively and began to meet for worship in November, 1958, with 12 people. On June 20, 1959, they formally organized as The Mt Zion Baptist Church of Brogue, PA.
The old schoolhouse and adjoining property was purchased in January, 1963. By May, 1964, they broke ground for a new building constructed mostly by members and friends. At the first service in that building on January 31, 1965 , 103 attended.
Mt Zion has had 7 senior pastors in its 40 year history including: Blaine Vannoy (1958-64, 67-69), Fred Wilt (1966), Ronald Schmuck (Jan-June 1969), Roy Wise (1969-1985), Larry Fischer (1986-90), Randy Starr (December, 1990 – 2013) and Chris Starr (2013 – present).