Sent From MZBC
Tom & Holly Almanza
Pastor Tom Almanza, who served 3 1/2 years at Mt. Zion Baptist Church as an assistant pastor with his wife Holly, was sent out by Mt. Zion Baptist Church on March 26, 2017 as a church planter to start Greater York Baptist Church.

Randy & Shirley Starr
After serving as the pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Brogue, PA for 23 years, God led the Starrs into the field of evangelism in September of 2013. Dr. and Mrs. Starr have been in full-time ministry for over 40 years. Today, their ministry continues to thrive through holding local church revivals, family conferences, and special meetings all over the United States. Learn more about their current ministry @
The Starrs began publishing in 1987. To date they have written over 40 titles. You can see their helpful resources at:!/Buy-Our-Books-Now/c/2628490
Bill & Marcia Hardecker
Bill Hardecker was the associate pastor at Mt. Zion Baptist Church for 9 years. The Hardecker family are missionaries to the Philippines.

Keith & Karen Sweitzer
Keith Sweitzer and his wife Karen were born and raised at Mt. Zion Baptist Church. In August, 1997 Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Denver, PA was planted with Keith as Pastor where he’s been faithful ever since.
Clint & Susan Robinson
Clint Robinson and his wife Susan met at Mt. Zion Baptist Church. It was while attending Mt. Zion Baptist School of Theology that God led him to be a preacher. In April of 2012 the Robinson family moved to Auburn, Maine where Clint is the pastor.

Gina Frey
After training in Mt. Zion’s Bible Institute and serving in the local church for many years, Gina began missionary work over in South Africa in 2012. For the past 8 years, she has served at Independent Baptist Church in Kabwe, Zambia. Gina loves working with ladies in the church as well as serving in the Christian School under her local church there. You can read about what God is doing in and through her @ or follow her on facebook @